JUMP TOThe Minecraft APILoaderGet the available loader types.getGet the available versions of a mod loader.getGet the available loader installers for a given loader type.getGet the installer for a specific version of a mod loader.getDownloads the Forge client side installer.getMinecraftGet the status of a Minecraft server.getGet the available versions of Minecraft.getGet the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) binaries for the specified operating system.getGet the assets of a specific Minecraft version.getGet the available JAR files for a specific version of Minecraft.getPlatformAdvanced search for projects based on options.postSearch for projects based on search query, project type, loader, game version, limit, offset.getGet a project based on its ID and type.getGet the icon of a project.getGet the project icon for a specific project as a base64 string.getGet the available versions of a specific project.getGet the versions of a project for a given platform.postGet a specific version of a project.getPowered by Get the assets of a specific Minecraft version.get https://api.theminecraftapi.com/minecraft/version/{version}/assets